Guess the signs!

Please choose the correct sign.

कृपया सही चिह्न का चयन कीजिए।

1 / 12

Please write your ID here.

कृपया अपनी आईडी यहां लिखें.

This is the place we go to study! 😀

2 / 12

What we are learning right now! 🙂

3 / 12

4 / 12

5 / 12

This ____ is really cute!

यह ____ सचमुच प्यारा है!

6 / 12

___ says meow meow! 😀

____ म्याऊं म्याऊं कहता है! 😀

7 / 12

Hey look! A ____ is flying.

हे देखो! एक ____उड़ रहा है.

8 / 12

9 / 12

10 / 12

11 / 12

12 / 12

I have a new ____! 😀

मेरे पास एक नया ____ है !

Your score is
